Hair Care Tips Oily Scalp Hair Loss: Reasons Symptoms And Home Remedies By MARILYN ATKINS Posted on February 17, 2021 0 Hair loss may be caused by the excessive volume of sebum in the roots. Sebum is good for hair but excessive amounts of the oil may cause hair loss. You can control oily scalp hair loss by following some easy steps. Here, you will find two ways natural and chemical. Know the reasons and apply the methods eventually. Listen: You must take care of your hair daily so that you may not face this issue in the future. Making a routine to have healthy hair is the best way in this case. What Is An Oily Scalp? Sometimes people notice that the roots of hairs, and especially the scalp feel oily. When it happens that’s called an oily scalp. Generally, an oily scalp is a natural process of human beings. The sebaceous gland is the main culprit to make our scalp oily. This gland immersed an oily substance called sebum. A limited quantity of this substance is very important for human hair. But unfortunately, most of the time the human body failed to control this gland. That’s why its emission is unlimited and unplanned sebum which makes our scalp oily. You can learn more about it from Okaylifes Magazine. Why Scalp Becomes Oily? There are a lot of things behind an oily scalp. Normally it can be caused by hormonal imbalances such as puberty, pregnancy, or menopause. But food habits, environmental changes, and genetic problems also put an effect on an oily scalp. Too much oil on the scalp can cause itching. Diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis, scalp psoriasis, and malaria can affect the oil glands and cause dandruff. Here are some main reasons for oily scalp- Natural Reason In everyone’s oily scalp is a natural process. The sebaceous gland emits a substance called sebum. Which is the secret of our oily hair. So, don’t worry if sometimes you feel your hair oily. But in many times and causes, this gland lost its control. For that reason, we realize an unexpected sebum release on the scalp and discover our hair much oily. Due to Disease In most cases, the disease is the principal factor for uncontrol sebum release. It can be skin problems, Dermatitis, pregnancy, Operational infection, etc. Naturally, the human scalp exterior skin frequently dies and newborn tissues take this place. So, you should remove dead tissues and take care of your scalp this time. Otherwise, many skin diseases like dandruff, ringworm, folliculitis are attacked on your scalp. Food Habits Food habits play an important role to keep us healthy and fit. Today unhealthy food is the main cause of most skin diseases. Especially fast-food, animal fat, high protein, and restaurant food items are the main culprit of various skin diseases. So, we have to be conscious about everyday food and restrain from unhygienic food items. This will help to maintain disease-free skin. Environmental Issues It is the environment that is the main obstacle to shiny long hair. Generally, normal weather is the right place to grow healthy, beautiful hair. For this reason, most times we face hair problems in the summer, rainy, or winter season. Because at this time the humidity in the atmosphere is at a higher or lower level. So, we should take more care of our hair during these times. Anxiety and Incognizance Anxiety gives birth to many diseases. At the same time, It is most responsible for regulating various hormonal glands. That is why we should always live a happy life to control the release of hormones. Oily Scalp Symptoms There are some common symptoms at the onset of any disease. But it is possible to avoid many complex problems if you are careful at the very beginning. Here, some primary signs of the oily scalp- Itchiness: Do you often feel itchy in the head? Then you might be affected by this disease. Oily pillow: If someone frequently notices that his pillow looks oily and dirty after resting your head on it. Feel oily on your finger: Run your fingers through your hair. How are you feeling? If your fingers are sticky or oily, you must understand that there is a problem. Extra Shiny hair: Excessive oiliness in your hair will make it look much brighter. You should be careful after noticing that. Dust attracted: Oily substance easily attracted by dust. Make sure your hair gets dirty very quickly. If there is any problem with the sebum emission, you’ll easily find it out. Remedies Of Oily Scalp Hair Loss In this world, every problem has some solutions. Therefore, it is normal to have a solution to the problem of oily scalp. Generally, we can divide remedies into two types- Homemade Remedies and Medicine or Chemical Remedies. Both play a significant role to control hair loss and oily scalp. Oily Scalp Hair Loss Home Remedies We can easily get rid of this problem by using some home materials. These materials are natural, fresh, and safe. So, there is nothing to worry about by using this product. Here are some components to overcome this problem- Aloe Vera People have been using aloe vera as a part of beauty practice for a long time. This is an effective element to control hair fall and skin problems. By using this proper you can easily get rid of problems like hair fall. Fish Oil Fish oil is another natural remedy that controls dandruff and uncertain hair fall. Ordinarily, it is taken as an oral supplementary. Currently, fish oil is quite expensive because of its capability to cure many diseases. Most people use fish oil to improve their immunity system and heart functionality. Probiotics Probiotics are one kind of digestive friendly bacteria that helps to balance other harmful bacteria. We already know that bacteria and fungus are the strong reason for hair fall. Here, probiotics (good bacteria) helps to fix this problem. Generally, dairy products like milk, cheese, chocolates, and vegetables are the main resources of Probiotics. Apple Cider Vinegar For Oily Scalp Apple cider vinegar is a very popular implausible therapy. But it lacks accurate data proof of benefits. Many people believe that it can control Ph balance on hair. But be careful if you have any sign of eczema. Otherwise, you may have problems such as skin burn, itching, or irritation. Shampoo For Oily Scalp And Hair Loss In the age of modern science, there is an easy solution to cure this disease. Be careful before following this step. You need to be advised by a physician before taking any medicine. But don’t worry! Here we only discuss shampoo for oily hair which is the basic medicine/chemical to cure oily scalp hair fall. Let’s know about the remedies of a shampoo- The shampoo is the primary medicine to solve the oily scalp problem. Recently some special shampoo also works for anti-hair fall and anti-hair damages. You can find such cool shampoos from here! Generally, all kinds of shampoo are made with some basic elements called sodium loyal sulfate, benzoyl peroxide, etc. But all of these alkalies are the principal elements. Alkali is a chemical element that reacts with water to remove dirt and oil. That will help to keep our hair oil-free and clean. On the other hand, shampoo is also working to reduce hair fall and dandruff. Dandruff is one of the main culprits of rapid hair fall and itching. But It is possible to get rid of untimely hair fall to use shampoo regularly. Bullet Tips To Prevent Oiliness And Hair Fall Always keep the comb and brush clean. Refrain from using other people’s combs and brushes. Scratch your hair regularly. This will remove the germs stuck in the hair and increase the blood circulation in the skin. Never tie your hair too hard or too tight. Refrain from using a variety of chemicals in the hair. Keep your hair away from excess sunlight. Always try to have Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C, and Vitamin-B complex with food. Clean the head at least two days a week. Also, wash your hair if it feels dirty. Bottom Line Hair loss is a common issue for human beings. We lose hair every day naturally. We can lose 50 to 100 strands of hair normally a day. However, some of us may experience differences in this case. Too much oil in the scalp can cause hair loss. You can overcome oily scalp hair loss easily. Read the ways to rescue your hair and make a routine. Follow the routine regularly and follow up.