How to Use a Curling Brush on Short Hair? [With Instructional Video!]


Selecting the perfect curling brush on short hair is quite an IMPOSSIBLE task. Now you may wrinkle your eyes and ask me, “Why is it quite impossible?” Because in the oceans of hair products, most manufacturers produce hair brushes for long or medium hairs.

However, if you have curly hair and want to achieve bouncy and straighten naturally curly looks, a curling brush like Calista Perfecter Pro will be a handy option to go forward, and the quite impossible task will become “I M POSSIBLE.” And you will be able to add a sturdy look to your curly hair.

woman with curly hair

Tools for Curling Brush on Short Hair

Some people have curly and short hairs naturally or inheritably. People who have uncurled hair and looking to achieve it, a few pieces of equipment are essential. Give a dive at the local stores for the below tools.

Hair Oil: Do you know a dime-sized drop of hair oil will provide you a beautiful looking hair? Oils are significantly essential for dead and dull-looking hair. It gives life and works fantastically to improve hair condition. Here, we will use hair oil to provide extra protection against heat. But, if you have oily hair naturally, please don’t purchase hair oil.

Heat Protector: Purchase heat protector spray from local stores. All you need to do is, squirt the heat protector spray on your hair and work it by using a hairbrush.

Hair Brush: Tangling hair is considerably common for every girl. To fulfill your dream, a hairbrush is essential to remove tangles from your hair. You will need one reliable hair brush that will help you will give less effort to remove tangles from your hair.

Water Spray Bottle: Wet hair is significantly required in order to make your hair curly. To avoid getting your hair dry fast, a spray bottle with water will be a handy solution.

Heat-resistant gloves: Oh, why do I need a pair of heat-resistant gloves? It’s required for safety issues. It will help you from burning yourself as you are going to work with heat.

Using Curling Brush On Short Hair

Using a curling brush is the easiest way to make your hair curly or give a waving look. If you follow any other method, your hair may get damaged. Let’s flip through step by step from below

Step 01

Preparing hair: At any tutorial, it is the first step to prepare your hair to make your journey comfortable. I recommend you to utilize your ample amount of time to wash your hair. Use any volumizing product if your hair is too straight. A volumizing product can improve your hair texture.

I believe you are not in a rush as you are giving full focus to achieve a DIY project. So, I advise you to provide an air dry to your hair. Do it until it is almost 80% dry. Can you answer why I am telling you to give an air dry? This is the healthiest option to dry your hair, and thus you are not providing any unnecessary heat to your hair. Only make sure you did not dry your hair thoroughly as bit wet hair is required.woman with short curly hair

Now, in your wet hair, apply a few drops of hair oil and rub it through every head of hair. Rubbing oil carefully and take your time to do it correctly. Ensure you work it up to the roots.

We are at the final stage of preparing your hair. Tangle each knot from your hair. Either you can use a detangling spray or your favorite hairbrush to complete this task gently.

Step 02

Plugin your curling brush, let the heat rise properly: Yes, I know it will take a maximum a few minutes to get a heated curling brush, but it is significantly vital. Because, if you start working with an improperly heated curling brush, you will be unable to catch your dream. So, before starting, plugin and set the required temperature. For your information, if you are unaware, high heat for thick hair and less heat for thin hair.

Step 03

Curl your hair: As you have short hair, you may face difficulty in dividing your hair into sections because of their uneven length. So, it is advisable to create 3 horizontal sections. Use a clip to hold each section in place until you start applying hot curling brush like the Perfecter Fusion Styler on every part.

Ensure you use heat-resistant gloves. Using curling brush on short hair is different from using on long hair. Tightly hold your hair, roll it out gently after 3 – 4 seconds. As you are slowly gone through various sections, confirm that you substitute the curls. Such as, towards your face, apply one curl and away from your face, apply another. Thus, your hair will get a more consistent and well-defined curl.

Follow the same procedure for the other sections. At a time, work one part only, don’t mix up sections. Confirm, while you are curling your hair that is close to your face, you roll up the curling brush outwards. This will generate a mounting layer that won’t beat your face.

Step 04

Complete the style: Finally, it is time to complete the form. Apply hairspray to hold the hairs in place. However, before applying the hairspray, inspect what you have done and, if necessary, reapply the curling process.

Don’t be confused about applying additional curling process in any section if required. Additional will give your hair a curlier look. Once you finished everything, finish the style using hair spray.

I believe you completed your DIY project and achieved an A+ grade. Finally, you have done it and give a pat on your back. This successful project already boosted your confidence, and now you can complete any to do the task with proper planning. Now watch the video to learn how to use a curling brush on short hair:

Do’s and Don’ts

As I said earlier, using a curling brush on short hair is quite tricky, so we make mistakes that need to be taken care of. Follow below to gain curl perfection

  • Do start with a heat protector. Especially if anyone is using a curling brush to get curly hair regularly. A heat protector will ensure healthy hair.
  • Don’t start with weak and dull hair. Create a base that makes your hair curly perfectly and give you a glam look.
  • Do give enough time to complete the process. Drying hair, curling, pilling, etc. need enough time. Be patient to get a good result.
  • Don’t choose the wrong tools. Choose the accurate size and receive the right style. Keep in mind that different tools will provide you different look.
  • Do hair spray throughout the curling process. It will give you longer-lasting curly hair.
  • Don’t continue the process with the wrong temperature. Learn about the right temperature for thick and thin hair and set up the heat at curling brush accordingly.
Final Words

Yet using the curling brush on short hair is time-consuming, but I can see a big joyous smile on your face after fishing the process. Once you continuously start doing the process, you will be able to achieve the goal in a short time as well as with a smoother finish. Get more insightful tips on

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